Chiropractic Testimonials

“Dr. Nicholas has made a significant positive impact on my quality of life! Prior to seeing Dr. Nicholas I lived with a lot of daily pains which began in early childhood and were accompanied by bouts of insomnia. I had seen many different MD’s and tried several prescriptions but the prescriptions would only help temporarily and usually had more significant side effects. I never had a concrete diagnosis, just suggestions of possibly this, possibly that, but in the end I felt the MD’s thought my pain was all in my head, remembering the conversations with DR’s suggesting this to my mother and in my adulthood being told “You’re young and healthy, there is no reason you should be in this pain.

After a simple observation by Dr. Nicholas at my company’s health fair where I stepped on what looked like a scale and had my shoulders and hips lined up with string on some sort of contraption, it was evident there may be an issue with my spine. I was extremely skeptical at first, hearing all the hoopla around chiropractors, but I decided to give it a try as Dr. Nicholas seemed positive he could help. I was truly amazed at how fast my symptoms began to fade. It has been almost a year since I have started to see Dr. Nicholas and I have to say I have only had a few migraines and my hands and feet no longer feel cold and tingly all the time. My circulation has improved as well as my back, neck, and leg pains and I haven’t had a single bout of insomnia. I am now a believer in the chiropractic field and in Dr. Nicholas.”

- R.G.

“In early August of 2011, I was involved in a serious car accident. It didn’t take me long to realize that my back and neck were seriously “out of whack”. I had never been to a chiropractor before, and had heard wonderful things about chiropractic care from my brother, who suffered an ankle injury playing basketball and swears that he would never had been able to make it through that season without it. But, I had also heard the flip side that it really doesn’t do anything for some people. After a few weeks I decided that I was not getting any better, if anything worse and being a single mother of 3 small children knew I had to do something. I decided to go with my friend (who was also in the car with me at the time of the accident) to see Dr. Nicholas. From the very beginning Dr. Nicholas took the time to sit with the two of us and listen to the exact account of the accident and all of our symptoms. X-rays of my back and neck showed why my neck and back were hurting. We soon started a treatment plan, which first started with treatments to help relieve my pain. After several months of following Dr. Nicholas’ treatment plan new x-rays have shown dramatic improvement and I am more than happy to say that my pain levels have dropped dramatically!!!

I am now a true believer in Dr. Nicholas and have made chiropractic care a part of my health care routine for my whole family. Thank you Dr. Nicholas for giving me the freedom to play with my children again!!”

- Katelyn S.


"I have been able to prioritize my overall health and wellness now that I see Dr. Tony. I'm comfortable going to his office; everyone remembers who I am and they make sure I am getting the most out of my care. If you think that a chiropractor is a scary experience, you haven't met Dr. Tony and his team. This is the best health experience I have ever had, bar none."

- Carter


"My problems with sciatica started with the birth of my first born. Pain in my lower back and hips got worse with each passing year. I tried massage therapy which was great but relief was very short lived. Pain meds and muscle relaxants covered the symptoms but didn't fix the problem.

Dr. Tony reviewed my history, ran some tests, and found a 15 degree curve in my lower back. This was from carrying children on my hip for many years!

The damage didn't happen overnight and, while the "fix" didn't happen overnight either, Dr. Tony showed me the path to getting back on track. Together, we trained my body for a "new normal" that has taken me away from pain and back to really enjoying my life. What a gift!"

- Debbie T.


"After a serious car accident, it didn’t take me long to realize that my back and neck were seriously out of whack. I had never been to a chiropractor before, so after several weeks of dealing with the pain, I decided to go with my friend - who was also in the car during the accident - to see Dr. Nicholas.

From the beginning, he took the time to sit with us and listen to the exact account of the accident and all of our symptoms. X-Rays of my back and neck showed why I was in such pain. We started a treatment plan that started with a focus on pain relief. After following Dr. Nicholas’ treatment plan, new scans showed dramatic improvement. My pain levels have dropped dramatically and I continue to feel better with each visit.

I am now a true believer in Dr. Nicholas and have made chiropractic care a part of my health care routine for my whole family. Thank you for giving me the freedom to play with my children again!"

- Katelyn


"I was rear ended this past summer. Dr.Tony got me in quickly and from the first day started helping me feel less pain. In addition he had great tips about my insurance benefits and how to use them to get everything I need. Staff is friendly & Caring in a world that usually isn't. I love this place!"

- Jodi


"From the moment I started seeing Dr. Tony, I had a feeling I was in good hands! I had severe back pain and was told that there was little that could be done. I dealt with that pain for FOUR YEARS. I felt extremely hopeless until a friend recommended Dr. Tony. After a brief exam and consultation, he showed me how his specialization could actually make a difference. Within only a few weeks, my pain was gone. I finally felt like myself again. I am FOREVER grateful!"

- Nikki

8:00am - 12:00pm

11:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 12:00pm

11:00am - 5:30pm

8:00am - 10:30am

Saturday & Sunday

Axis Health and Wellness

6767 S Spruce St #110
Centennial, CO 80112

(303) 221-1185